our everyday

matt and emily


5 months

WOW. This month has been fun. Sweet little baby girl is still so sweet, but she has turned into our big girl! 

Lots and lots of firsts this month... solid foods, rolling over (and over and over and over and over), sitting up (sort of) unassisted, riding in the stroller without the car seat, going to nursery at church, big-girl bathtub, library story time.

Eatin' some bananas

Cheesin' on my 5 month birthday


Uncle Mike's NC State graduation. Did I watch? No way. It was more fun to roll over in the grass.

Did I mention that I love my doggies? They make me laugh every day! 

Mother's Day

Mommy, Grammy, Me

Voting with Mommy

Didn't think the new bathtub was cool the first time, but I got used to it. 

Riding in my BOB: big girl-style.

5 months captured in photo-form. Trying to MOVE. ALL THE TIME.

1 comment:

  1. Is that bathtub a seal? I've seen the duck one :) Where did you get it? Gabriel has almost outgrown the infant tub in the kitchen sink but can't quite sit up by himself yet...
