our everyday

matt and emily


A Date with Dad (and Destiny)

When Emily told me she needed to study for school today, I immediately asked if I could take Eva out to explore.  I knew exactly where I wanted to take her too - NC State University - it was going to be her first visit (and definitely not her last).  We fed and dressed Eva, packed up the car and off we went on our first Daddy/Daughter date! 

I parked in the lot next to Reynold's Coliseum because that's a pretty central location.
 Eva was fast asleep from the car ride over to Raleigh.
 Our first stop was at Reynold's - the sign said "Enter Here" but the door was locked - boo hoo.
 We even stood in line to buy tickets and everything!
 Over to the Tri Tower's area - there were three wolf statues.  I tried to get Eva to howl, but she was still sleepy.
 We walked over to West Campus so Eva could see my old dorm suite - 10th floor Sullivan Hall.  I've heard a rumor about Lee and Sullivan being demolished in favor of shorter dormitories - something about issues with plumbing in 12 story buildings.  I think we have my roommate Chris Adams to blame for that.
 Now the walk back to central campus - here is railroad bridge, under which is a giant gum wall - gross!
 I parked Eva here next to the Mary Anne Fox Building because there was a giant start in the middle of the bricks - no other real reason.
 All of this walking and Eva was still sleepy...
 We continued on towards the brickyard, but looked back one last time to see the buildings where Daddy had his Chemistry Labs and Physiology course.
 We made it to the brickyard - aptly named for all of the intricate brick work. 
 Ah - Harrelson Hall - to be demolished in 2014, although currently it's home to the bookstore while Talley Student Center is remodeled.  I swear, they never stop doing work on NC State's buildings - I guess there are so many buildings, by the time they finish remodeling one, another building is practically antique.
 Another view of that beautiful brick. 
 From the other side of Harrelson - DH Hill Library is off to the right. 
 I told Eva I had a secret to tell her - so we went over to the whisper stones. 
 I whispered, "there's only one University in this world good enough for my little girl and guess what?  We're standing in the middle of it!"  Then Eva whispered something back to me - just kidding, she was still sleeping.
 Off we went, over to Poe and Winston, Thompson, et al.  This is one of the more scenic courtyards on campus, I think. 
 Here is Eva - still asleep in her stroller.
 Then we cruised on over to the most recognizable monument on State's Campus - the belltower. 
 Interesting distortion from the wide angle lens - I kinda like it.
 But Eva was still sleeping.
 It was nearly lunch time - at 12pm the belltower actually played the NC State fight song - I kid you not.  And so we sang along - Eva even let out a big Ah at the end!
 We walked back up Hillsborough street to point out the restaurants and places that I frequented in school.  Here is Mitch's Tavern - captured forever in Bull Durham.  My Dad also spent some time in this establishment, believe it or not. 
 Don't know what these are supposed to do - may gigantic dryer vents for NC State Laundromats.  Or it could be a snorkel or telescope for those underground tunnels you hear rumors about.
 On our way back to the car now - we passed through the free expression tunnel.  I told Eva to cover her eyes because there would likely be some derogatory and/or explicit words written inside.  She already had them closed though - she was still sleeping.

 I told her that her grandpa's company was involved in the re-modeling of the free expression tunnel which occurred during Daddy's senior year at State.  Rules are rules - nobody paints beyond the big red sign.
And here we were again at Reynold's Coliseum - I had someone snap a quick picture of us - if you look closely Eva appears to be giving us the Wolfpack sign!
And there you have it - I explained to Eva that this was really just an unofficial visit - she can have many more of those, but only one official one during her recruitment.  I will be her primary recruiting coordinator - but I'll need plenty of help from all the other legacy's in my family too.  All in all - we had a blast and mommy got some studying done and took one of her quizzes.  Hopefully we can come back many many times!


moby wrap

loving the moby wrap! babygirl loves to snuggle and mommy gets two hands :)
i suggest it for any mom!


Sleepy sleepy

Nothing better than a sleeping baby... and a sleeping momma, too.
