our everyday

matt and emily


(Finally) my first trip to Chapel Hill

Okay, so I went to Chapel Hill a lot in Mommy's tummy because she goes to school and works there, but finally, I got to go back with Mommy and Daddy this weekend. 

We parked near the arboretum which has pretty, pretty flowers. Everyone was enjoying a nice, sunny Sunday afternoon.

Then, we walked past the planetarium, which has a HUGE clock in the front yard. Mommy and Daddy said they will bring me back in a few years to go inside. 

Next stop was lunch at Pepper's Pizza. Mommy loves to eat here (especially with Aunt Jenn). I slept for a few minutes at lunch, but not for long because sitting at the table is more fun.

Okay, guys. This place has a funny name: "He's Not Here".

Peek-a-boo! I'M HERE!

Now this is what I'm talkin' about. A place that serves milk! Mommy got vanilla with Reese's and Daddy got mint with Reese's.

This is Carrington Hall where Mommy goes to school.

I got a little hungry, so here I am nursing at the nursing school. Punny me.

Much happier now!

Oop! Time for a diaper and outfit change.

Always serious in my BabyBjorn. I get tired of the stroller after a while. 

Down south to the bell tower. Mommy said it sings songs, but we didn't hear any.

This place is called The Pit. Daddy says he likes The Pit in Raleigh better (because it has BBQ).

My family!

Last stop at the Old Well. I was getting pretty hot and tired. Time to go home!

A fun day :)


Eva at 4 months

I'm four months old now! I've been a busy little lady spending time with my family and friends.

4 month stats:
11 lbs, 15 oz
24 inches

I'm in a good eating, sleeping, and napping routine. Eating every 3 hours during the day and sleeping for 6-8 hours straight at night before waking up to eat. I go back down fast for a few more hours until morning. In the daytime I love to: grab toys, put things in my mouth, sit in my Bumbo, bounce in my bouncer, hold my head up, sit up with assistance from the boppy, pull at hair, SMILE, laugh out loud when something is REALLY funny, gnaw on Sophie the giraffe, play with Tootsie the bunny, talk in the car, ride in my stroller, lay on my tummy watching fun toys, go outside, surprise Mommy and Daddy when I roll over, laugh at my doggies, and snuggling with Mommy and Daddy.

Aunt Bebe came to visit for my baptism on April 15

Loving bath time and gnawing on towels.

Spending lots of time in my Bumbo learning to sit up. Such a better view!

I am in love with my daddy. Reading bedtime stories AND tummy time. Check.

Catchin' some Z's.

Shopping with Mommy and Grammy.

Loving my Sophie.

Spending time with other baby friends!

Sweet girl!!


Easter (From the eyes of a 16 Week Old!)

Hi Everybody!  This is Eva and today was my first Easter!

I woke my mommy and daddy up at 2am, 4am, 6am and then finally at 8am!  I was really hoping to catch a glimpse of the Easter bunny, but it was too dark until 8am.  By then, he was gone!  After I ate my breakfast, my mommy and daddy went downstairs to cook. 

I asked dad, "Hey Dad - whatcha cooking?" And he said, "Can you smellallallallallallaaaa... banana pancakes and turkey bacon?!!!!"

I told dad that I could smell it and I could hear the bacon cooking - especially since he set the fire alarm off again!  I looked at the banana pancakes and said, "Ewww mommy, that looks gross and lumpy.  You won't make me eat those, will you?" 

She said, "not yet, but maybe one day when you're a big girl." 

My daddy was being funny with something he took from my Easter basket.  He kept saying he was a superstar, then he put them on me and it made everything dark for some reason!

After breakfast, it was time to see what the Easter bunny had brought me.  I sat up in my bumbo and took a peek inside - well what do ya know? It was a real, moving, talking doggie!  And there were some other things, but mostly the talking doggie...

My dad made me sit up there and stare at my Easter basket, but it was just out of my reach - No Fair!  Then mommy got to pose for some pics behind me too.  I was just ready to play with my doggie!

Finally, they put me on the floor in the living room so I could play with my doggie - do you know that it barks and moves when I touch it?  Isn't that crazyy?!

My other two doggies (dedoda and ucie) were a little frightened by my new doggie (btw his name is Domino).  They cautiously sniffed Domino's behind and watched his movements very intently. 

After a while, I was done playing, so I rolled over...

Then we went to Church! (I was a little fussy at Church because I was hungry and had to make brown...so I don't have any pictures to show, but my dad insists that the sermon was a good one).  I did make it back into the sanctuary in time for communion, where I went up with Grammy.  They never give me any of that bread stuff - no fair!.

After Church, we went to Grammy E and Grandpa's house!  Grandpa makes me laugh because he's funny!

My Grammy got to hold me too! 

Then we took some family pictures.

 Finally, it was time for the big people to eat.  (it was also time for me to eat, but me and mommy went out of the room for that part.)

Then I slept in my daddy's arms for a little while - Who knew watching golf and listening to Jim Nantz was such a great sleep inducer?  My daddy's pinky finger and ring finger slept at the same time as me - he said it was my fault, but I think they were just tired of listening to golf too.

Then I took some more pictures with all of the E's (Grammy E, Grammy, Mommy E and me!)

After Grammy E's house, we went over to Lady's house.  The people had to eat again, and so did I!  After dinner, we went outside where I thought we would start looking for Easter eggs!  But imagine how disappointed I was when I found out it was only to take some more pictures! 

At least my dad helped me walk on the grass for a little bit. 

Then, D-Daddy came out and found us - he thought we were hiding from him.  

Then my Gram showed me where they might hide Easter eggs next year...

All in all, it was a great Easter!  I love spending time with my big family - although getting home and snuggling with my mommy is the greatest thing.  I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, filled with fun, family and love!

Baby Eva Out!