our everyday

matt and emily


3 months

3 months! I love these sweet cheeks and bright eyes.

No doctor visit this month, so no official weight/length... I'm guessing she is around 11 pounds though. A little lady, but getting some cute chunks in those cheeks and thighs. 

Now, Eva has a few things to say...

Favorites: Sucking on my fist, being held facing outward, watching myself in the mirror, looking out the window at the birdies and my doggies, sitting in mommy's lap, pushing my legs against ANYTHING, kickin' my strong legs, arching my back, bath time, playing with my hands, changing my diaper, snuggling with mommy and daddy, stroller rides, gabbing out loud, and grabbing/sucking on the toys in my lap. 

Things mommy thinks I'm good at, but not on my favorite list: holding my head up while on my tummy and self-soothing myself to sleep when put in my crib.

I'm sleeping a good 5-7 hour stretch at night before waking up to eat, then I go back down quick for a few more hours until morning. I nap 4-5 times during the day for short stretches. No long naps during the day unless we go out and the car ride/white noise puts me to sleep!

Eva, you bring me joy. Life without you seems so long ago!


  1. ummm hellooo, she looks so much like you Em! Chris & I are sitting here looking at these pics and we can't stand it. She is SO stinkin cute! Wish we could come next door & kiss those cheeks.

  2. Thanks- I can't get enough kisses from my sweet girl! I will admit that I forget you aren't next door anymore. I keep waiting for the blue highlander to pull up. Dakota is missing some Chris thum love, too. Can't believe Jakester will be ONE in a few weeks!!!
